Tools For Educators

Whether it's to fill the gap by the lack of PE, provide rainy-day recess activity, engage your parents, or to get your students refocused; these tools will be a necessary resource. Families and educators have the opportunity to connect and grow through our family and money management classes, Side Hustle Academy for those with a business mind, and our award winning Hip Hop dance sessions. Students will grow in family fun, financial wellness, AND more.


PE and Rainy Day Recess Alternative

We developed these videos with the thought in mind to fill in where some education systems are lacking. With education budgets shrinking regularly, PE is usually the most "expendable" subject; which raises the issue of student's physical activity at school. These videos will provide you with guidance to replace those physical activities in a meaningful way.


Get Your Groove On

If you want to bolster your students self confidence while keeping them fit; these videos are just what you need. Our professionally-choreographed dance routines will teach you and your students dance routines set to current popular music. The routines can be performed in front of their peers at assemblies or at other school functions. They'll enjoy learning and performing while gaining some playground cred.


Brain Breaks

These are designed to give your students/children in-seat, short-span, dance moves to help them refocus mentally. Studies show that short bursts of physical activity breaks during deep mental concentration can refocus the brains activity.
The students can do these movement in their seats and they don't take much time
to organize.